Marshall Yoga | Aboveboard Yoga

I teach yoga every Wednesday at The Gathering Venue located at 800 Industrial Rd in Marshall, MI 49068. Class is 5:30-6:30 p.m. and drop-ins are welcome. The studio is located in the building immediately behind DeVine’s Flowers and Botanicals. Class is $10 cash or Venmo.

The yoga I offer is mindful slow flow with an emphasis on community. Every body is welcome. I keep folks updated about class via email. Please sign up below for more info! Or reach out to me directly if you have questions at lucyrblair (at)

Grand Rapids Yoga | 3 Moons Yoga Collective

With my friends Colleen Cottrell and Hillary Monnahan, we’ve created a monthly yoga workshop experience that we call 3 Moons Yoga. Teachers rotate each month focusing on a specific theme. Classes are at 11:30 a.m., third Sunday each month at Beaubien Holistic Care in Grand Rapids (3368 Beltline Ct).

January 21, 2024: Colleen Cottrell—Health & Harmony
February 18: Hillary Monnahan—Breath & Movement
March 17: Lucy Blair—Throat Chakra Centered
April 21: Colleen
May 19: Hillary
June 16: Lucy

Learn more on Instagram or Facebook, or send questions to yoga3moons (at)